"Every little thing is gonna be alright"-Bob Marley
"I rose up this morning and smiled with the rising sun...". Now I didn't have the 3 little birds to tell me the message that Bob Marley...
To the Adventures of The Red Beanie!
My daughter (my soul-mate) and I willingly plunged into an unconditional life of sorts. Through our life experiences traveling the world, we hope to inspire others to take risks and "color outside of the lines", because as we've been experiencing ever so frequently, that's when the LIVING part of LIFE really begins! As Ferris Bueller so famously said, "Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it!". We hope you join us as we look around often and share our thoughts and experiences with you as we experience mother/daughter life abroad across the globe.
Read on and enjoy!
Panama in 2022
It all started with a dream I had on August 13, 2019--an actual dream that I so vividly remember--a dream that was ominously predictive of the events that would take place in our lives over the next months. From fleeing NYC with a breast cancer diagnosis just as COVID was causing a global tidal wave of panic, to moving to Arizona in search of a better life for my daughter (my soulmate) and me, the dream had it all and then some. In my dream, as we were fleeing our tiny Manhattan apartment with no time to take any possessions, I hustled, grabbed my phone, our coats, and RED BEANIE. The odd thing is we don't have a red beanie. We've spent hours talking about my dream, dissecting it, trying to make sense of the parts that we believe are messages from the Universe. From this dream, these discussions, and the manifestations that followed, "The Red Beanie" was born. It has become a symbol of the incredible journey of this mother/daughter duo. We invite you to walk this journey with us, as we make a paradigm shift to a life that prioritizes life experiences over material possessions.
On July 1, 2021, with most of our possessions in a new positive karmic space, The Red Beanie moved to San Pedro, Belize--La Isla Bonita <3.
After an amazing year as Island Gals, we decided to move further south and on June 17, 2022 we moved to Panama! Onward we go! <3